Home Jim & Mary Kay's Bicycle Adventures

Bicycling the Lewis & Clark Trail
Atchison, KS -- Rest Day

Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Distance Cycled: zero miles

Today is our rest day, which meant we rested the bicycle but not the legs. After breakfast, Jane headed to do laundry and the rest of us started walking downtown to see the Historical Houses. Like most towns on the river most of the houses were up on the hill. We had an excellent private tour of the Evah C. Cray historical home, we then headed back to town for an excellent lunch. After walking we returned to our motel room to rest, fix the bicycle and get ready to return to town for another good meal by the river. We also walked by the home where Ameila Earhart was born, but we were about 15 min. late and the house was locked up. After dinner we walked down to the movie house and watched a movie not worth seeing twice.


Last modified 09/01/04