Home Jim & Mary Kay's Bicycle Adventures

Bicycling Florida to Texas
Alabama, Mississippi,
Arkansas & Oklahoma

2008 - May - June

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Clayton to Antlers OK
Distance: 38.4 Miles

Today we awoke to a gray sky. In some ways it was great because the sun was hidden by the clouds most of the morning and we arrived in Antlers before noon. The route was really great. The first 20 miles did not have very many hills. The last 15 miles had hills but most of them were less than 6% grades. We did not need to use the granny gear very often.

When we arrived in Antlers, we stopped at the Wildlife Heritage Museum and Deer Park where they raise both Asian and American deer. We saw three 6-week old American deer and one one-day old Asian deer.

After leaving the deer park, we stopped at the Historic Frisco Depot Railroad Museum, which also told about the 1945 tornado that killed 86 people and left many homeless..

We stopped and had a quick lunch before we drove out to the motel but we still had to wait for our room to be cleaned. We have internet service again, and again we changed our route because the road between Antlers and Broken Bow has no shoulders and lots of hills. We are now traveling south to Paris Texas.

We walked across the lawn to a newly opened Mexican Restaurant, nice to have dinner so close.


Last modified 06/25/08