Home Jim & Mary Kay's Bicycle Adventures

Bicycling Alaska

August - 2011

Tuesday - August 16, 2011
Fairbanks to Valdez AK
Distance 51 Miles

Tuesday the 16th we began the bicycle trip from Fairbanks to Valdez AK, with three other couples. We traveled 51 miles. The first day was delightful. In the first 25 miles we climbed 37 feet and the entire day we climbed only 203 feet. We went past Eielson Air Force Base and had several fighter jets take off or land on a runway alongside the highway. We were in an area where you are not supposed to stop or take pictures but we needed a rest so we stopped but did not take any pictures. We arrived at our motel and it was the only motel within 30 miles. Three rooms had bathrooms and one room did not have a bathroom. One couple had to use a bathroom down the hall. The rooms were on the second floor above a restaurant where everyone was a heavy smoker. The rooms therefore smelled slightly of smoke and the beds were not the best. We have had worse night accommodations.


Last modified 08/22/11