Bicycling Alaska
August - 2011
Wednesday - August 17, 2011
Midway Lodge to Kelly's Alaska Inn, Delta Junction
Distance 48 Miles
Today was a hard day because we had not trained to do hills. We climbed 1053 feet today and rode 48 miles. We saw the Alaska pipeline for the first time today at Big Delta where it crosses the Tanana River. We also saw an old roadhouse that was built in the very early 20th century. We also saw Mt McKinley several times. The top of the mountain was visible but a band of clouds hung below the peak of the mountain. The Alaska scenery is great. Today their was plenty of sunshine, but we also had a very cold hard blowing headwind, which made the ride harder than it would have been with a tail wind. We have been fortunate in that we have not had to ride in any rain.