I have never been a huge car fan. Over the years, I have typically driven my
cars under 1,000 miles per year. Sometime during the year 2000, I decided to make
room in my driveway by selling my large 1977 Cadillac and replacing it with a small
1971 Porsche 914. I had a blast driving the Porsche but unfortunately part of the rear
suspension rusted through and broke. While waiting for tax season to end so I would have
time to fix the 914, I asked an auto broker client if he had a cheap (under $3,000) small car I could
purchase. He said he had an MGB and due to it being a boring rubber bumper, the price was
right. The MG was not as fast as the 914, it did not corner as well as the 914, it was a
lot smaller inside than the 914, it did not carry as much luggage as the 914, it was noisier
when driving down the highway than the 914, and, it was heavier than the 914. However the
MG was strangely more fun to drive - much like my old Harley was more fun to ride around
town than my newer Honda. So, I decided to sell the Porsche 914 to my brother and keep
the MG. After owning the MGB for a number of years I sold it to get something more practical for our family.
From that point on my autos became boring. I now drive an auto around 6,000 miles per yeaer although much of that is pulling
a trailer with motorcycles to a riding area.