Bicycling New England, the Erie Canal, & around Lake Ontario 2005
Peabody to Revere (Boston) MA
June 22, 2005
Distance 11.3 Miles
Today the sun was shinning brightly when we woke up at 7:00 AM. We ate breakfast and did not hurry because both Jane and Mary Kay did not want to start riding the bicycles until after the Boston rush hour was over. Just before 9:00 we loaded up the bicycles, checked out of our rooms at the motel and headed south toward Boston. By now the sun was no longer shinning and we felt an occasional raindrop hitting us as we proceeded. Within a very short time we were in a light rain storm and within a couple of miles it was raining moderately hard. We only had 11 miles to ride today and during 8 of those miles we were rained on. By the time we reached our motel for the next three days, we were very wet. Fortunately, they had rooms for us to move into when we arrived even though it was only 10:15 AM. We dried off the bicycles, took a shower, and got dressed in clean, dry clothes. We looked out the window and the rain had stopped so we headed to downtown Boston to see all the sites.
We walked all around the downtown area looking at various buildings, shops, and restaurants. We walked part of the freedom trail, watched a street juggler perform for a good crowd, and walked by the Old State House. Mary Kay made a phone call in front of the Old State House and the street noise was so load they thought she was calling from a bar. We are not used to so many people.
We enjoyed looking at all the buildings, shops and great views of the harbor.
By 4:00 we were ready to return to our motel. We took the subway out to near the airport, then a free bus to the airport, then we caught the motel shuttle to the motel, all in all not a bad way to get home. The trip home was better then the trip out when Mary Kay left her purse on the motel shuttle and we had to call and have it brought to us. Luckily for us someone noticed that she left it on the seat and told the driver. When the purse was delivered 20 min later all the money and credit cards were accounted for. Someone is looking out for us.
After an early dinner in the motel we were ready to call it a night. The weather should improve tomorrow.