Home Jim & Mary Kay's Bicycle Adventures

Bicycling from Washington DC
Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware & Virginia

2007 - August - September

August 26, 2007
Millville NJ to Lewes DE

Distance: 45.9 miles
Elevation climbed: 125 ft

We ate a good breakfast at our motel, loaded the bicycles and headed south to Cape May NJ. Jim and Mary Kay got lost in the first mile and gave Mary Kay practice crossing railroad tracks. They finally got on the correct route and found that they were far behind George and Jane. The route was very flat, after 40 miles of riding the altimeter only showed 40 feet of climbing. Jim and Mary Kay traveled for 30 miles before they caught up with George and Jane. We all are in good shape.

We traveled through some wooded areas but it seemed that we were in residential or commercial districts most of the time. We reached Cape May just after noon. We bought tickets on the 1:00 PM Cape May - Lewes ferry. The ferry ride was very pleasant. We sat on the top deck in the sun for most of the ferry ride. We even saw some dolphins swimming along side the ferry.

Ferry Terminal Cape May NJ From Ferry

We unloaded from the ferry and rode to our motel. We had to wait to get a ground floor room. The ladies changed clothes and went to a movie while George and Jim did our required work. They met the ladies for supper at 6:30 PM.


Last modified 08/26/07